Monetary Settlements from

Personal Injury

Trusted Structured Settlement Company

The lingering effects of an injury might last the rest of your life. As specialists in structured settlements since 1985, the team at American Settlement Corporation can help you better manage any monetary settlements you may receive so that you will have the financial assistance you need to get the proper care you deserve now and into the future.
As a trusted structured settlement company, we have built a reputation for delivering personalized service and excellent results. With our assistance, we can help you create a financial plan that protects individuals who receive money from a personal injury lawsuit by allocating their funds in a way that sustains their long-term needs.

More Than 40 Years of Experience

Why Structured Settlements?

It is easy for those who have been awarded single large sums in personal injury cases to become overwhelmed by the burden of managing the money to pay for a lifetime of medical needs and living expenses. You shouldn’t have to add this additional stress when your focus should be on healing and returning to a normal life. A structured settlement is a proven, effective way to receive much-needed, tax-advantaged financial security during a time of uncertainty.

Ensure your monetary settlement will keep you financially secure.

 Call (770) 951-0696.

Why You Can Trust ASC

The American Settlement Corporation is a leading structured settlement company based in Atlanta with offices in Michigan and Florida. Backed by a tradition of stability, reliability, and trust, our company has been helping families navigate the complex issues surrounding personal injury settlement options and federal tax laws for more than two decades.

By dedicating themselves to structured settlements, our industry professionals can craft customized, income tax free settlement plans based on the individual needs of each injured person. We do not take this critical role we play lightly. That is why we remain committed to you long after the settlement documents are signed. Contact us today for a consultation.